Saturday, 8 November 2008

Its all about the nicknames

Well, I thought I might tell you a bit about myself seeing as how my computer hasn't spontaneously combusted and I have managed to navigate back to this page. I'm chuffed to bits!

What do you know of me so far? I live in the countryside, namely Northumberland in the North East of England and have done so for three years. I'm originally from Yorkshire and I moved up to live with my darling boyf (DB). DB is, despite being a little lacking in the hair department and moaning about the price of absolutely everything, a sweetheart. We recently got engaged but I refuse to call him my "fiancé" as this term is synonymous with chavs and/or celebs (same difference) who get engaged two weeks after they fall pregnant which is usually around three minutes after they first meet!

I am a midwife in a busy maternity unit which keeps me busy and pays the bills for now. My future plans include: winning a shed load of money on the lottery and sailing off into the sunset with darling boyf on a huge yatch where we will eat, drink and make babies.

DB is a year younger than I am (31) and he's an engineer. Not the kind that fix your washing machine he's the kind that surveys great big ships to ensure that they are fit for sailing. At least I think so, when he starts talking about crank shafts and bilge pumps I have to confess that my mind does have a tendency to wander.

I have some great pals both up here and in Yorkshire. My bezzy mate lives in Yorkshire and has three children and a husband who also does a lot of moaning so my DB and he get along great. We recently went on holiday my bezzy mate, her 3 year old and me. We had a great time but were convinced that everyone thought we were lesbians and her 3 year old was our "special" child. We decided that bezzy mate was the daddy as she is the bossy controlling cow whereas I am far more laid back (plus I couldn't be trusted with the kitty purse and kept leaving it places so she took it off me).

Bezzy mate and I met when we were nurses in A & E around ten years ago. She was going through a divorce at the time. "Shithead" as he is affectionately known left her with a 5 year old and a 7 year old and not a pot to piss in. Anyway, she worked hard and sorted herself and her two boys out. Then she met husband number 2 and although he suffers from low grade OCD is a marked improvement. She had her 3 year old a couple of years later and I was proud to be at the delivery which she had had at home. Bezzy mate's husband got a bit sloshed (I think the stress of making all those cups of tea got to him) but it's a day we'll always remember. Well, at least some of it in bezzy mate's husband's case I'm sure parts are a bit hazy.

My other pals include "Married to a Doctor", "Weird Sarah", "Glamorous nursey"and "Bossy friend" to name a few. I'm sure you'll be meeting them all along the way.

My family mainly consists of my mother who for the purposes of confidentiality shall hereto be referred as "mum" and her partner who shall be called "mum's man friend". They have been together around 18 years. Apparently they got together not long after my mum left my booze soaked no good father (who we'll call "dad") although mum and mum's man friend are often quite vague about the actual dates. Not sure why. I am 32 I'm sure I could handle the truth. Not sure my dad could though waste of space and a council flat that he is.

Then there's Darling boyf's family who are the epitome of a stable family. Mother and father in law 2B live down south and are absolutely lovely! Darling boyf's sister lives not far from here and is married to a barrister. It pisses darling boyf off something rotten that she's landed on her feet because he's worked so hard for everything he's got and what does she do? She's a teacher! Please don't get him started on teachers. The only thing he despises more are those people who tootle down the post office once a week to draw benefits and have never done a stroke of work in their lives. 13 weeks holiday, finish at 3pm and they moan because they have to do marking. "Why?" he argues ,"don't they do their marking in their two hour lunch break?" I confess I think he has a point.

And that's it I feel. My life and friends and family in a nutshell. I hope you'll continue read as I add to my journal and get to know these people as well as me a little better.

Until next time!

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