Sunday, 14 December 2008

My hero

I awoke this morning with the sadness still heavy on my heart. Today my DB came home. He arranged a flight out from Houston and landed this afternoon. It all feels so much better now he is here.
He has a plan, he has a hug, he has reassurance. I snuggle up to him his tiny chest hairs that I used to complain about when we first met, tickle my nose. This is my favourite place in the world. This is where I feel safest. This is where I know we can conquer the world. This is the man whose baby I know I will have one day. Just not this time. Third time lucky?
If I never have a child it will be a great sadness but to never have known love like this would have been a tragedy. Although life is less than happy and joyful at the moment I count my blessings: good friends, good family and a man in my life that makes everything else pale into insignificance. We are at home where we should be. Making plans for the future. Knock us down and we dust ourselves off and get right back up again. A force to be reckoned with.

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