Friday, 6 February 2009

Falling off the Smoking Wagon

Work wasn't quite as crap as I had envisaged. Still didn't want to be there though. I have had two days off and had quite a nice time really.

Wednesday night went to see Bossy Friend and managed to drink three bottles of pink sparkling between the two of us. Result! Getting into the taxi to take me home I fell off the smoking wagon very unceremoniously and ended up paying three times the fair from Bossy Friend's house to mine as I insisted he went via the twenty four hour garage so that I could purchase ten menthol. So the evening cost: Pink Sparkling 1 bottle £3.99 (Aldi special not bad either although this was bottle number three so I don't know how much you could trust our judgement).
Taxi Fair home £10.00
10 Richmond Menthol £2.44 (although I only smoked four and threw the rest away the following day)
Total: £16.43

The evening should have cost: Pink sparkling £3.99
Taxi Fair £3.50
Total: £7.49
However, I made a few savings here and there. Here is what the evening could have cost:
Pink Sparkling (usual brand) £8.99
Bus fair to Bossy friend's £1.25 (she gave me a lift)
Taxi fair home £3.50
Total: £14.74

Who am I kidding? I'm pathetically trying to justify paying a taxi driver too much to take me to buy cigarettes. I had been doing so well too. Paul McKenna is a wonderful man. I think the only solution is to stop drinking. But then what? I ask You (shaking my fists at the sky) "What is left? Are there no earthly pleasures that aren't bad for me?" Even sex is a bloody chore at the mo' thanks to operation Make a Baby.

Anyway, I have resolved to drink less for three reasons 1. I want to make a baby and alcohol is not conducive to this. 2. I want to stop smoking when I'm drunk so the best way to do that is to stop getting drunk for a while (so that I can make a baby). 3. I hate hangovers!

Let us see how I get on. On the up side I did have a lovely time at Bossy Friend's and she wasn't even one bit bossy. Maybe she knows??

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